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Expansion on Information about contracts

April 30, 2014

In this article ‘Don’t Get Screwed: The Contract Provisions Every Creative Needs to Know’, the author gives general tips to people in the creative industry about things to make sure of when writing contracts.

I had already learned a lot of these things from the AOI article mentioned in an earlier post such as negotiable contracts, and making sure those changes are also in writing, but from this new article I learned that a clause for these negotiations should be written into the contract, to make sure that everything is in writing.

The article also mentions making sure to include a section to allow you to be paid for work that has not been previously stated in the original outline of the work, so that you are not asked ‘to do additional work for no additional money’, which is not something I had picked out from the AOI article.

One of the most useful things in this article are the small written examples it provides for each point made, which is very useful to me as I have never written a contract and wouldn’t know where to begin, it gives pointers for someone struggling to write things in the appropriate language for a formal contract, a skill that all freelancing illustrators should probably have.

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