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Work Reflection

May 5, 2013

There is not one specific route I am sure that I would like to take with my art work, but there are things that I know I like to draw and would want to improve on.

I enjoy drawing people and faces, however I am not confident with proportional accuracy or expressive poses or emotions in my work. I would also like to improve on having more than one figure within a piece and being able to have them interact as this would also improve my storytelling and narrative abilities , which are things I’m interested in pursuing as well as being able to create characters within those stories.
I’ve found that doing life drawing has helped to improve my ability to look at the human figure from different angles and positions as well as lighting and shadows on the skin and clothes.
However, I would also like to improve my use of lighting within pieces, especially ones involving more colour as I enjoy using colour in my work.
To improve on these things takes practice and will involve drawing as much from reference as possible.

I can tend to avoid drawing backgrounds and landscapes within my work as I struggle with perspective and drawing nature and can become impatient with it. I’d like to improve my skills in this area as well which will also be best done with practice and patience.
Another issue I can have is to draw something and keep it as a final idea without any other plans or thoughts, while this is fine for sketches, for final pieces it is usually better to have multiple ideas and become less restrictive.

I would like to be able to create stories and characters and worlds and have want people to join them.

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